
Jul 30, 2011

Don't forget to look up Art

I was tickled, there they were, just rolled, just off the entrance road to the place I'm staying. Massive rolls of hay. Alfredo, the neighbor, explained how it all works, he was excited as I was. Told me how when I first saw it happening he pulled over, got out of his truck and just watched. He said after the guy was done he yelled up and said, 'any questions?'. How cool is that. 
Anyway, I'm driving out to town and their they were. Grabbed my iPhone and headed out to the fields. Light was changing quickly which made it even more fun.

I had an image of a giant child leaving his toys out after rolling them around in this big bowl. Was wondering how to show that. I moved lower and closer . . . 

The temperature was about 105 with some stickiness added in for effect. Began to feel the top of my head getting cooked, I'd forgotten my hat in my excitement. Time to get out of the bowl so I headed up. Of course, there it was, another image I imagined would be great to see years from now and I started shooting frames. Just as above, always tough for me to choose the one to represent a set of frames and here is that 'one'.

Something was wafting across my senses about now, sniff sniff, hmmm. Ahhhh, the top of my head, of course. iPhone in the holster and heading to the A/C. Then a shadow and a sense of 'glow' began moving over the landscape. Looking up and over my left shoulder, WOW, the light, streaking, streaming casting shadows from clouds onto clouds, edges glowing. No thought of anything but 'this', this moment changing and evolving with each breath. More images, how do I convey the majesty, the brilliance, the seemingly simple convergence of light, on floating water, casting shadow and illuminating curves through the contrast. 
With a maniacs grin spread across my face I kept shooting, giving my thanks, until a massive cloud drew the curtains on another awesome show of Life and Beauty.

Sometimes I forget to look up, my God, there is always so much happening. Recalling the great line in the movie version of "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" where Socrates played by Nick Nolte says to the kid, "There's never 'nothing going on' ". 

Special shout out to Billy Swizzle for the multiple image story way of sharing on a blog.

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