
Nov 2, 2009

Not Trying

I was out learning about light today. Went to the Felton Covered Bridge as the sun was setting. There were a number of young people there and as I began setting up my gear they started talking about being photographed, by the time I was set up they were all leaving. I shot the inside of the bridge until this young man came along. Originally in a huge hoodie carrying a pack. I shot a couple of him and showed them, he went wild, loved it. Took off his hoodie then his shirt. Telling me stories of wrestling, of growing up here in the valley, of girls all the while talking a very tough game but still open to listening. Talked of not trying, of letting it all go.

What I appreciate about this image is he finally let it all go for the most part. Soon after this shot he told me of his best friend dying in a car crash a couple of days ago. He said, "you know when you meet someone and you can feel that their is something special abou them, that they have something to share with the world, this guy was one of them and now he's gone." He began tearing up. I smiled and laughed with him through his tears. He's got a great heart.

1 comment:

  1. I see a heart shaped light in this picture. serendipity...
